orange wedding
Orange Wedding Vows
Orange Wedding Vows
Annie's Vows
I’m ecstatic to be your blushing bride… again.
Today is the fourth anniversary of our first date and our first time making love. It was fated! At last I found you!
You Beth, are my every fantasy come true.
You are the sun, the moon, and all the stars.
YOU are my cosmic orgasm!
Today I vow to open wider, and enter more fully, into our loving relationship.
I vow to encourage your fulfillment, in whatever form that takes. To assist you attaining your goals, to create a loving home from which you can excel.
I vow to release myself into our creative collaborations so that we come to new heights, and so that you may be drenched again and again in our creative juices.
Beth, I promise to nurture my health and my energy, so I can be here for you.
I vow to love you more, more, and more, -- deeper, deeper, and deeper and deeper and deeper.
Beth's Vows
Four years ago sex and creativity brought us together.
I still haven’t gotten over it,
You planted incredible hot juicy powerful magic in my soul. It was so great I forgot to be afraid.
And that love seed continues to germinate to this day.
For this, the orange year, I promise to encourage your sexual and creative needs as they manifest change and evolve.
I promise to remain fertile to our creative collaborations, to nourish and fertilize them as they continue to grow and blossom.
I promise to make a garden with you that is safe, secure, abundant and fragrant.
But which also includes a weed or two to keep us from becoming complacent.
I promise to worship your body as well as you heart and your mind as places where your creativity is born and comes to fruition.
I also promise to help you cultivate your energy and to husband your health so that you can fully enjoy all of life’s adventures and challenges.
I promise to play in your garden, I’ll be the rake to your hoe, and sprinkle you with love.
I’ll be there for you in every way I possibly can imagine and beyond.
My love for you is larger than the entire universe and this love infuses my entire being. I can’t conceive life without your love.
I vow to be your love art collaborator for seven plus seven plus seven years in sickness and in health and for as long as we both shall live.
And may the light of our love shine out into the world.
Our Vows To Our Community
Honor you, Love you, Kiss you, Make you laugh, Entertain you, Support you, Respect you, Collaborate with you, Make art with you, Worship with you.
See you, Listen to you, Forgive you, Massage you, Let you go, Protest with you, Stand up with you, Hold you, Tell you the truth, Be response-able to you.
Feel you, Laugh with you, Cry with you, Humor you, Call you on your shit, Cuddle you, Surprise you, Experiment with you, Encourage wonder, Wake you up.
Keep you busy, Grow with you, Nurture you, Exercise your boundaries, Play with you, Commune with you, Congratulate you, Include you, Accept you just the way you are, Mess around with you.
Change you, Remember you and forget you, Tease you, Titillate you, Persist with you, Have faith in you, Dream with you, Make art with you, Illuminate with you, Fuck with you.
Learn with you, Hang with you, Experience with you, Enlighten you, Balance you, Need you, Encourage you, Delight you, Forget you, Be changed by you.
Be opened by you, Compassionate with you, Wait for you, Fart with you, Wander with you, Play hooky with you, Change the world with you, Be confused with you, Open the door with you, Create magic with you.
Rejoice with you , End the war, Mourn with you, Be vulnerable with you, Be ecstatic with you, Grateful with you, Be angry with you, Be courageous with you, Get lost with you, End the war with you.
Rest with you, Read with you, Walk with you, Get old with you, Be creative with you, Come with you, Dance with you, Protest with you, Organize with you, Get down with you.
Learn with you, Prosper with you, Celebrate with you, Change the world with you, Dream with you, Make the world a sexier place with you, Teach with you, Go to the moon with you, Journey with you, Eat with you.
We do!
Orange Wedding Program
Orange Wedding Program
Orange Wedding Invitation
Orange Wedding Invitation
Artists’ Statement
artists' statement
THE WAR IS STILL RAGING AND SO IS THE LOVE ART LABORATORY. In our second year we are exploring creativity and sexuality in some new, productive and exciting ways. We aim to go deep inside our second chakra, and to use our discoveries to inspire others on their quests.
WE COMPLETED OUR FIRST YEAR OF SURVIVAL AND SECURITY by facing death together. What could have destroyed our relationship ended up making us even stronger, more secure and ambitious. We are less afraid of death and even happier to be alive. We are more committed to spreading love through our art to address the critical social and political issues that we face as individuals and as a society. We still believe in the old adage that the “personal is political.”
WE FIND HOPE IN OUR HAPPINESS AND CREATIVITY. We act locally, making art to spread love to our communities and to make the world a better and more beautiful place. Our work becomes larger than our personal relationship. This last year we produced our theater piece, “Exposed; Experiments in Love, Art, Sex and Death.” We performed “Cuddle, “ in numerous venues around the world, we’ve lectured in over a dozen museums, universities, colleges and even gave a Love Art sermon at a Unitarian church. We have exhibited our visual art in numerous galleries. And through our free Sidewalk Sex Clinics we have answered a wide range of questions about sex, love and life.
WEDDING BY WEDDING we aim to help bring about positive social change. We hope to inspire others to celebrate and explore their creativity and sexuality in order to activate their individual and collective agency in the world.
THIS YEAR WE ARE HONORED to have the brilliant sexologist Carol Queen officiate our vows. For our second wedding we will collaborate with our guests, most of whom are artists, academics, and sex workers. These collaborations will be credited on our website and the ephemera will be installed in our gallery exhibitions. We will also collaborate and spread our love online with others via a live web cast. This can all be viewed on our web site
WE ARE EAGER to have you be part of orange wedding #2 and we hope you enjoy our collaboration of love.
elizabeth m. stephens & annie m. sprinkle