black wedding to the coal
Black Wedding To The Coal Homily
Black Wedding To The Coal Homily
Homily by Graham Bell Tornado
( sung with liturgical cadence)
We are gathered here today to celebrate the Black Wedding to the coal of Beth and Annie, two ecosexual human beings- eco-eco eco-eco-sexuales…
Coal, symbol of Nature, of mountains, rivers, oceans, the sky…
A Natural element which has been perverted by humans, ripped from the entrails of the Earth like a child from the womb of its mother.
Coal played an important role in the beginning of our age of destruction, it powered the industrial revolution.
We thank coal for the energy which lights up the darkness of the night. Thank you coal, coal, coal...
But there is also a dark history of coal -deaths in the mines, pollution. It played a significant role in the fabrication of our age of individualism, consumerism and Neo-liberalism and it forms part of our "Hysteria".
Hysteria is the feminist version of history, the queer version, the version of indigenous peoples who fight against Neoliberalism and its history of domination because this history ( the official one) is nothing more than a fairy tale written by the winners.
But this wedding is evolutionary, revolutionary because not only does it celebrate the love of these two women but it also celebrates the love which is Ecosexuality.
A sexuality which includes heterosexuality, trans-marica-bollo (trans:queer) and goes beyond the prison of our bodies, a post-ethical sexuality which expands that love to include the natural elements, water, fire, earth and air, a sexuality which returns us to our origins.
We are animals, we form a part of the earth. This wedding is a celebration of this love for the earth, and for its minerals which form part of our bodies and are the motor which drives our society.
Is there any son or daughter of the bitch Reason (hijo de la ran puta razon) who objects to this union?
Homily (in Spanish)
Estamos reunidos aqui para celebrar la boda Negra con el carbon de Beth y Annie, unos seres humanos ecosexuales. Ecoe coe co eco eco eco eco sexuales
El carbon, simbolo de la naturaleza, las montañas, los rios , los oceanos, el cielo.
Una naturaleza pervertida por los hombres, robado de las entrañas de la tierra como un hijo de la vientre de su madre.
El carbon formo una parte importante del principio de nuestro edad de destruccion, it drove la revolicion industrial.
Agradecemos al carbon por la energia que nos ilumina la noche.Gracias al carbon carbon carbon
Pero tambien hay la historia negra del carbon,los muertes en las minas, las polucion, ha formado una parte importante de nuestro edad de individualismo, consumismo, de neoliberalismo y forma un gran parte de nuestra histeria.
La histeria es la version feminista , la version queer la version de los pueblos indigenos que luchan contra el neoliberlaiosmo y su historia de dominacion porque esta historia no es mas que un cuento de hadas escrito por los ganadores.
Pero esta boda es evolucionario, revolucionario porque no solo celebra el amor de estas dos mujeres pero celebra el amor que es la ecosexualidad .
Ecoeco eco eco eco eco eco sexual